Our response towards climate change

Response towards a zero carbon, resilient city centre
The city centre has a very important role to play in Auckland's climate action as it seeks to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change.
Our ongoing commitment to addressing climate change
Auckland Council is committed to leading the way on climate change action in the city.
In the city centre as across the region, we will be working with central government, mana whenua, businesses and communities. We will work together towards a low carbon and resilient Auckland that's better for everyone.
Priorities and actions are set out in Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland's Climate Plan. A zero carbon, resilient city centre has been identified as a flagship action of the plan.
How CCMP can help address climate change challenges
Within CCMP, this goal is reflected in Outcome 9 - Sustainable city centre.
This shapes our approach to transport, air quality, water quality and climate change in the city centre. The goal is the cleanest air of any city in the world with a population over one million.
Key elements of CCMP that move towards a zero carbon, resilient city centre include:
- creation of zero emissions areas focused on Waihorotiu / Queen Street Valley
- clean energy and low emission initiatives in the Port and Wynyard Quarter areas
- Access for Everyone (A4E) concept, which will tackle vehicular emissions by reducing the amount of motor traffic moving through the city.
- climate responsive future development opportunities at Grafton Gully, Dominion Junction and elsewhere
- identifying and developing a network of urban farms to manage the organic waste generated within the city centre zones.
- delivering on the urban ngahere strategy for the city centre.