The vision for the CCMP

Our vision for our place - Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland
- A place that reflects who we are.
- A place for all people to enjoy.
- A place that connects us to nature and to each other.
- A place where business and cultural expression thrive.
- A place for future generations.
Tāmaki Herenga Waka
Tāmaki Herenga Tāngata
Tāmaki Makaurau
Auckland, the place where canoes gather
Auckland, the place where people gather
Auckland, the place desired by many
Building on the success of the original 2012 City Centre Masterplan
Refreshed content has been encapsulated in the CCMP's ten outcomes, eight transformational moves, and fifteen opportunities – future place-shaping initiatives for a range of locations across the city centre.
The refreshed CCMP has updated key outcomes and transformational moves in particular:
Māori outcomes
Māori outcomes presence, Māori identity and life into the city centre and waterfront.
Access for Everyone (A4E)
Incorporation of the A4E concept, establishing a transport access plan for the city centre.
A4E is an enabling framework that will help deliver the spatial moves of the CCMP. It sets a strategy in place to free up more street space for people, improving liveability and air quality in the city centre.
Waihorotiu / Queen Street Valley
Setting out the central role of a pedestrian-priority Waihorotiu / Queen Street Valley, the people-focused heart of the city centre unlocked by Access for Everyone and the creation of a Zero Emissions Area.
Status of the City Centre Masterplan
The CCMP is a non-statutory guiding document that sets the high-level vision and strategic direction for Auckland's city centre.
Public consultation
Consultation on the City Centre Masterplan refresh closed in October 2019. Respondents overwhelmingly support Auckland Council's vision for a liveable, green and accessible city centre.
Endorsement by the Auckland Planning Committee
The refreshed City Centre Masterplan was subsequently endorsed by the Auckland Planning Committee in March 2020.
Next steps
Future rolling updates to the CCMP will be endorsed by the Auckland Planning Committee following public consultation and engagement across the Auckland Council whānau.
Open consultations will be available on