East city
CCMP envisions a new multi-modal boulevard and future urban neighbourhoods for Grafton Gully and Te Toangaroa / Quay Park seamlessly stitching the eastern edge of the city centre with the heart of the city and eastern city fringe neighbourhoods.
- Grafton Gully Boulevard
- Future development
- Public transport streets
- Green blue corridor
- Port integration
- City to village links
Future rail hub
Revitalise and re-purpose the historic Beach Road Railway Station as a passenger rail hub.
This has the potential for future Waikato and North Island regional rail connections and a role in the metro rail network.
Te Toangaroa / Quay Park
Major future urban redevelopment opportunity for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, in accordance with their own masterplan principles.
See the concepts of Te Tōangaroa Masterplan, produced by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei:
Blue and green corridors
Indicative future blue and green corridors to be integrated with future infrastructure and development opportunities at the Grafton Gully and Te Toangaroa / Quay Park redevelopment.
To incorporate water sensitive design of stormwater infrastructure with linear green spaces and public access for walking and cycling to create a more resilient, greener and connected future urban neighbourhood.
Grafton Gully boulevard
A multi-way boulevard for Grafton Gully that will accommodate high freight and traffic volumes with improved traffic flow. Safer and more civilised street edges are established to facilitate walking, cycling and local access while encouraging new mixed-use development opportunities alongside.
Future urban neighbourhood
Significant potential to create a mixed use future urban neighbourhood on undeveloped and under-utilised land either side of the future Grafton Gully boulevard, that can achieve multiple integrated urban development, social and environmental outcomes.
The masterplan envisages this development opportunity redressing the major movement barrier and severance effect of existing motorway infrastructure – a key goal of Transformational Move 2: The east and west stitch.
Waipapa and Waiparuru streams
The Grafton Gully boulevard and associated development opportunities provide incentive to restore the wairua and environmental health of the Waipapa and Waipāruru Streams.
There are also opportunities to reveal and/or re-interpet the awa as part of expressing the identity of this important historic area for mana whenua.
Future bus terminal
Potential future public transport bus terminal in Grafton Gully, to be investigated alongside integrated development and partnering opportunities to be explored with mana whenua and key stakeholders.
Albert Park Tunnels
Albert Park Tunnels have potential to make a significant contribution towards the transformational moves of the CCMP.
This would open access to an even-graded walking and cycling pathway allowing you to walk between the bottom of Parnell Rise and Waihorotiu / Queen Street Valley in around six minutes or bike in two to three minutes.
The tunnel would emerge onto the Victoria linear park a short distance from the City Rail Link (CRL) Aotea Station entrance. Public metro-style lifts access would also provide a vertical connection between the tunnels and the Learning Quarter at Princes and Symonds streets.
Waipapa Hostel opportunity
Waipapa was an important arrival place for many and an integral place for the establishment of enterprise and trade in developing Auckland from the early 1850s.
A hostel was built to provide accommodation for Māori entrepreneurs participating in market trade, an association that endured until 1966 when the site was cleared for the terminus of a motorway extension.
Opportunity exists through new urban development to acknowledge the historical significance of this hostel and trading place at the natural convergence of the Waipapa and Waipāruru streams.
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