Papa kōkiri - a flexible mana whenua facility on the central waterfront

About papa kōkiri
A papa kōkiri is literally a platform for gathering and facilitating positive engagement between groups of people.
What papa kōkiri can deliver
The papa kōkiri can deliver of a wide range of functions with its design enabling flexible use so that on any given day the functions will vary.
The papa kōkiri will enable mana whenua to offer:
- manaakitanga
- kai
- whakangāhau
- mahi a rēhia
- pōwhiri
- hui
- whakaatūranga
- rangahau
- puna - whai rawa.
How a papa kōkiri could evolve
The papa kōkiri will evolve. It is likely that certain uses will increase in importance over time as others reduce, and as new facilities are developed around Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland. This has been planned for and is future proofed in the adaptable design concept.
What is the best location for a papa kōkiri
In the short to intermediate term the best location for the papa kōkiri is at the base of Queens Wharf on the site of the existing temporary container food kiosks.
The design vision for the papa kōkiri
The papa kōkiri presents a base from which Tāmaki mana whenua cultural identity is fostered, celebrated and shared with the region and the world.
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