Hobson and Nelson streets - more liveable, green twin avenues

About this opportunity
The refreshed City Centre Masterplan continues to strongly promote the opportunity to transform Hobson and Nelson streets into more liveable, green twin avenues befitting their urban context within what amounts to New Zealand’s densest residential neighbourhood.
Such a transformation is a key goal of Transformational move 2: The east and west stitch.
Why we want to do this
Future changes will have a transformational effect on Hobson and Nelson Streets for all those that live and spend time there, and many more walking trips to and across the entire western quarter of the city centre.
It will improve walking and cycling access to and from the city centre for Freeman’s Bay, Ponsonby and areas further west. It will also create a more favourable first or last impression of the city for those entering and leaving via the motorway network.
Progressive changes to general traffic circulation on Hobson and Nelson Streets over time will also play a key part in implementing the zonal concept of Access for Everyone (A4E) in the western part of the city centre.
How this would happen
The masterplan envisages opportunities to achieve the following outcomes through future investment along this route:
Reduced vehicle traffic
Reduction in the number of vehicle lanes and turning movements at intersections, possibly followed by transition to two-way travel in some sections of either or both streets.
Easier and safer walking
Wider footpaths, greater pedestrian wait room and priority at intersections and increased mid-block crossings to make walking easier and safer along and across the long and wide street blocks.
More cycleways
Retention of separated cycle lanes on Nelson Street as a key part of the emerging network and opportunities for new cycleway linkages on Hobson Street unlocked by changes to traffic access and circulation.
Strengthening street trees
Strengthening of the existing street trees as a positive feature of both streets and new opportunities to add surface greening that enhances liveability and the environment and create more distinctive, green city avenue street types.